A guide to relating to intelligent women for men who promise intellectuality

A guide to relating to intelligent women for men who promise intellectuality

A guide to relating to intelligent women for men who promise intellectuality – But being with an intelligent woman is also the right of a man who promises intellectualism! So let’s give these men a few tips to help them at least until they reach that intellectual mind they so badly want.

Men who want to be intellectuals and are full of this promise, for some reason need to reflect their intellectual minds and find reciprocation. After experiencing this for a while in their social circles with other male friends, they become convinced that they are intellectuals and start looking for an intelligent woman around them.

They aspire to have a relationship with this intelligent woman, and if possible, if their intellectual minds allow it, to open their hearts and fall in love.

However, the mind is so full of information that feeling has become just thinking. Therefore, they cannot find the intimacy they are looking for in a relationship.

Even if their relationships are with different or the same women, they are always “just when I’m about to commit, here comes a laugh”.

So, how will the intellectual man reach the level of love with the intelligent woman?

A guide to relating to intelligent women for men who promise intellectuality
A guide to relating to intelligent women for men who promise intellectuality

First of all, what is an intelligent woman like? Let’s try to answer this question a little bit.

Although I do not reduce intelligence to gender, intelligence is generally defined as “the ability to understand and comprehend”. In this sense, let us distinguish intelligence from smartness, from being knowledgeable.

Intelligence is the source of reasoning, seeing the truth and grasping the reality, even in a situation where you have no knowledge.

Smartness is a structure that allows you to make connections within the existing system and make it work. These are, of course, much deeper issues, but that’s enough for now.

Let’s also distinguish between being knowledgeable and wisdom. Wisdom is a natural ability to interpret and a way of life that is the result of internalization through in-depth experience. Knowledgeable, on the other hand, serves as a resource stored by reading dozens of books and tons of articles.

The highest point that a man who promises intellectualism should reach is wisdom. It is also appreciated that they are knowledgeable. In this sense, a man who promises to be intellectual is someone who has reached a certain level of knowledge. But to be an intellectual, he has to experience the simple, trivial things of life outside the books he buries his head in, and he has to find that very high level of knowledge in the simple, ordinary things of the world. That’s the only way he can attain wisdom.

Love is a business of attraction. That’s why the man who promises intellectualism while adhering to the laws of physics and the intelligent woman meet. In this encounter, the really intelligent woman gets bored after a while. The man who promises intellectualism cannot figure out the reason for this boredom, and in the long run, he moves towards a deep depressive state of mind.

She cannot figure it out, because according to her, she is living a much “high quality” life compared to many of the “common” men around her. She believes that if she has a little career and a little money, she cannot even come close to other “common” men. For some reason, this intelligent woman cannot see the quality and unrivaledness of this man. At this point, the man begins to doubt her intelligence.

The story is likely to end with the man’s belief that he has misjudged the woman and he will come out of his frustration. While the identification of “misrecognition” is correct, the underlying reason for this identification is not.

The man promising intellectualism will be convinced that “she is not smart enough”, when in reality she is smarter than he thinks.

A guide to relating to intelligent women for men who promise intellectuality


An intelligent woman has acquired a great deal of wisdom in the “simple”, “mundane”, “trivial” affairs of life, even if she is not highly knowledgeable or specialized.

For example, you can’t find in any book when an onion is roasted just right. This is a matter of experience, of mastery.

For example, you cannot recognize a weed in a garden when it first appears from the information in a book, but only when you have direct contact with that garden, with the wisdom gained through our experience.

In these and many other examples, the unworthy affairs of life give the uninformed intelligent woman an incredible dexterity and agility that is very difficult to grasp by a man who has read dozens of books.

But being with an intelligent woman is also the right of a man who promises intellectualism! So let’s give these men a few tips to help them at least until they reach that intellectual mind they so much want.

What not to do when you meet such a woman, including the first date:

Try to put aside the names of philosophers, poets and writers that keep coming out of your mouth. Your constant attempt to comment on their definitions shows you in a rote mentality. For an intelligent woman, rote memorization is a dead letter.

Walking around in an upscale bar with a glass of whiskey in your hand may make you look attractive, but it can also make you look very unattractive. Especially if you add a pipe or a cigar that you keep mumbling in your mouth, you are in a much worse situation. For an intelligent woman, a formal appearance is nothing. She will find and articulate what lies beneath within the first half hour.

Don’t try to explain how much you support and understand women by talking about women’s rights, equality, violence against women. Because at this very moment you may not have thanked the waiter who came to the table and served you. This shows that you are not very aware of the real labor.

Don’t constantly comment on how wrong and flawed the people around you are. This shows how shallow your mind is. It is a typical example of lifestyle interference.

And finally, stay away from making criticism a matter of personality, intellectualism means being open to any kind of criticism, even willing to take criticism. Through criticism one develops, interprets, questions. The strongest part of an intelligent woman is her ability to interpret. When she cannot tolerate this, she will leave you one million percent.

Oh, and by the way, don’t make an intelligent woman pay for criticizing you, she is a wise cat who knows when to take her nails out.

Finally, let us add that Edward Said characterizes the intellectual as an exile, marginal, outsider, amateur who tries to speak the truth against power. In this sense, the intellectual is constantly criticized. The benefit of this for the intellectual is to protect his freedom. Combine this with what an intelligent woman can do for you.

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