How to Change Firefox Default Search Engine

How to Change Firefox Default Search Engine

How to Change Firefox Default Search Engine? In all web browsers available today, you need to set a default search engine to be used when searching for keywords using the address bar. For example, when searching for a website, hilalayyou can start typing you can start typing and your web browser will soon display the search results brought up by the default search engine.

How to Change Firefox Default Search Engine

This feature has always been available in popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari and many more like Yandex, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari and Yandex). But in newer versions of Firefox, it has brought another feature by giving you options so that you can use all the added search engines. This feature is called One Key Search, probably because you click once on the search engine icons to search.

Here are the options explained below where you can choose which search engines should be used for one-click search:

  1. Click on the triple menu icon “looks like three horizontal icons” to pull down the Firefox menu and select Options there.
  2. Open Options, on the left side click Search.
  3. Scroll down the options on the right side to find the One-Click Search Engines settings.
  4. You can select any of the search engines displayed in the list and either remove them or put the checkmark for a one-click search. Removing the checkmark removes the search engine and re-adding the checkmark adds the search engine once again.
  5. If you mess up the settings, you can restore them by saying “Restore Default Search Engines” and all search settings will be reset.

One-click search

It works great for finding search results from many different search engines or when you have to search in a specific search engine for a specific reason. For example, you can continue to use your default search engine and perform one-click searches on Wikipedia to quickly get relevant results.

You can read more about changing the default search settings in Firefox by visiting

In this article, Firefox. I tried to tell you about how to change the default search engine. So which browser do you use? You can specify which is your favorite browser in your search engine in the comments.

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