15 Best Thermometer Apps for iPhone – Android

15 best thermometer apps for iPhone and Android

15 best thermometer apps for iPhone and Android – A good thermometer app will help you easily measure your body and room temperature. In the pandemic world, many places require us to take our own temperatures before entering the premises, and not having a temperature measurement upon arrival can create a challenge, especially when no temperature is provided.

That’s why it’s especially useful to carry a thermometer with us at all times. However, no reasonable person would do such a thing with the actual device. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, the convenience of a thermometer can now be in our pocket or bag at any moment in the form of a mobile app. Check this list for everything so far changed by your smartphone.

While all thermometer apps ultimately perform the same basic function, namely measuring a person’s temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius, some have additional features that users may find useful. They will all be displayed in slightly different ways, making some more appealing than others based on user preference.

Of course, a thermometer app won’t be as accurate as a real thermometer due to obvious limitations, but many apps are very close to being completely reliable. We’ve compiled a list of the 15 best thermometer apps for iOS and Android platforms for you, so you’ll never be without a thermometer when you need it again.

15 Best Thermometer Apps for iPhone and Android

Best Thermometer Apps

  1. iThermonitor
  2. Body Temperature App
  3. Real Thermometer
  4. Smart Thermometer
  5. Infanttech Smarttemp
  6. iCelsius
  7. termo
  8. Fever Tracker
  9. Thermometer – Hygrometer
  10. thermometer ++
  11. EasyBBQ
  12. Termometar
  13. Thermometer
  14. Kinsa Smart Stick
  15. HD Thermometer

1. iTermonitör


(Free) iOS

The iThermonitor app is the leading choice for people looking for a thermometer app for their smartphone. After its latest upgrade, the app’s interface has received a significant facelift, showing a gorgeous and intuitive display.

It plots and logs repeated temperature measurements and graphs the progression of the fever. This allows a patient or a parent to share trending fever information with the doctor.

The app can be set to regularly collect temperatures in intervals as short as 4 seconds, and even provides a professional analysis of body temperatures through a partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital.

2. Body Temperature App

Body Temperature Thermometer

(Free): Android

This app works by simply turning it on and putting your finger on the phone to read the temperature. This makes collecting your body temperature easy and intuitive. However, because of its simplicity, the app doubles as a prank app, which allows the reading of the temperature to be manipulated so that you can jokingly convince your friends that your or their temperature is through the roof.

3. Thermometer Indoor

Thermometer Indoor

(Free): Android

Who said that a thermometer should only be used to measure our body temperature? Maybe you want to know the temperature outside or in a house. How about an app that can do both?

Thermometer Indoor is an easy app that reports ambient temperatures to you and lets you know what the temperature is around you. It can also read your body temperature and can even be used to check the temperatures of different regions by entering the zip code to get the local weather forecast.

4. Smart Thermometer

Smart Thermometer

Smart Thermometer for Android (Free)

While many thermometer apps focus on an ambient temperature approach, Smart Thermometer focuses on taking precise readings and being intuitive in its UI interface.  The app can check temperatures at regular intervals and draw a temperature history to help you or your doctor analyze the temperature trend.

Devices without temperature sensors can still use the Smart Thermometer app. Only internet access and location identification need to be turned on to access and transmit external temperature depending on the temperature of nearby areas.

5. Infanttech Smarttemp

Infanttech Smarttemp
15 Best Thermometer Apps for iPhone – Android

(Free): iOS

Smarttemp is another free temperature app that users can use to easily obtain temperatures on their various smart devices. The app has a unique feature where each family member can have their own profile to track temperatures, making it easy to distinguish who is keeping track of temperature readings. The app also has a useful reminder feature in case users need help remembering when to take their next temperature.

6. iCelsius

15 Best Thermometer Apps for iPhone – Android

(Free): Android | iOS

iCelsius turns your smartphone into a complete, multi-use thermometer. It records temperature data and graphs it for analysis by the user or their doctor. The app can measure body temperature for devices with a temperature sensor and notifies you when it is too high or too low with indicators. In fact, it can be used to find the temperature of household appliances as well as cooking ingredients, tea, coffee and wine.

7. Thermo


(Free):  Android | iOS

Thermo, like many of its counterparts, is a free app that is easy to use. It allows you to search for temperatures in different locations based on a geolocation in Farenheight or Celsius. Sharing your location  will provide a quick return of temperatures in the area. It can also read body temperatures for devices with body temperature measurement capabilities.

8. Fever Tracker

Fever Tracker

(Free): Android

Fever Tracker is used by many people as a prank app and can manipulate the fever history they use. However, it’s not all fun and games.

The app has the ability to measure body temperatures in two easy steps by having the user press their finger on the fingerprint scan image while collecting the necessary information. It will keep track of the fever history that will be submitted for analysis by your doctor. Currently, this free app is only available for the Android platform.

9. Thermometer – Hygrometer

Thermometer - Hygrometer

(Free) : Android

If you are looking for an app that measures ambient temperature as well as humidity levels and wind speed, Thermometer – Hygrometer is the app you want.

The ability to get your local area’s temperature levels as well as humidity percentage levels in both Fahrenheit and Celsius readings, switching between the two.

The temperature provided by the app is geo-location dependent, so it does not show the room temperature, only based on the data it receives based on locally available weather reports.

10. Termometre++


(Free) : Android | iOS

Thermometer++ keeps things simple yet efficient by displaying local temperature readings based on geographical location as well as humidity and atmospheric pressure. You can get your temperature readings in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. The app is very popular on both Android and iOS platforms and has already achieved over 5 million downloads.

11. EasyBBQ


(Free) : Android | iOS

Sometimes you need a thermometer based specifically on cooking. Easy BBQ simplifies the collection of food temperature and can monitor degrees in real time. The app has preset temperatures for a variety of foods, shows ideal temperatures for cooking many different types of meat, and notifies the user when ideal temperatures are reached.

12. Temperature Thermometer

Temperature Thermometer

(Free):  Android

Some thermometers and their apps can be difficult to read because they run the temperature on a hard-to-see degree line or scale. The Digital Thermometer app takes a modern yet simple approach, giving all temperatures returned in the form of easy-to-understand digital readouts.

It can measure ambient room temperature, inform you about outdoor temperatures based on your geographical location from indoors and transmit a lot of information such as altitude, humidity, wind, speed, geographical longitude and latitude.

13. Air Thermometer

Air Thermometer

(Free):  Android  | iOS

The thermometer is a no-nonsense app, but it’s effective at what it does. It’s very lightweight, taking up only 2 MB of memory, but its unique feature is that it can read indoor temperature while offline.

For outdoor temperature readings, the Thermometer app will require the device to be connected to the internet. You can also review the details that appear on your phone and utilize a widget provided through the app to get additional information.

14. Kinsa Smart Stick

Kinsa Smart Stick

(Free): iOS

The Kinsa Smart Thermometer app is used not only to measure fever, but also to keep a fever diary, medication schedules and track the health practice of each family member.

When an illness is suspected, the app can even be used to connect to online information to get some ideas on how to proceed with treatment. The app has a free option and also a paid option that includes some extra features, including reminders for medication administration sent as an alert to the user’s device.

15. HD Thermometer

HD Thermometer

(Free): Android | iOS

Previously only available for iPhone but now extended to Android, the HD Thermometer app is one of the easiest and best thermometer apps on the market. To use this app most effectively, GPS must be enabled on the device.

This allows the app to go outside and collect online data from nearby weather reporting sources and inform the user in an easy, readable way what the temperature outside is. Temperature can also read the indoor temperature.

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