Gmail Forgotten Password and Password Recovery

Gmail Forgotten Password and Password Recovery

Gmail Forgotten password and password recovery how to do it? To this day, it remains one of Google’s core structures, which makes it an essential application on the go as well.  However, your , account details can sometimes be lost or forgotten. In such a case, you should learn how to manage your account and recover account details. Google will introduce an easy way to solve it with some simple steps you can follow based on the recovery procedure.

Here are some ways to verify your Gmail identity to recover your lost login credentials. Basically, you only need to go through the security issues on a particular widget in a step-by-step process.

Google Gmail Forgotten Password Recovery

Click Forgot Password – You can see the link after logging in to the Gmail page at . If you think you have lost any of your account information, just click this link.

Birkaç Güvenlik Sorusu Girin – Yalnızca bildiÄŸiniz cevaplarla ilgili birkaç soru sorulacaktır. Bu sorular, doÄŸru yaptıktan sonra seçtiÄŸiniz ve cevapları saÄŸladığınız sorular. Birincisini yaparsanız, hesabınızı kaydettikten sonra yaptıklarınızdan farklı ikinci bir soru sorabilirsiniz.

You can also choose to answer a different question from the same list you did when creating the Gmail account. This is under the confirmation button. Questions include your mother’s maiden name, the name of your first pet and your childhood friend.

Recovery Email – You will be asked to enter a recovery email to which the verification code will be sent. You can also choose to have it sent to a phone number you provided when you signed up for an email address. In some cases, you will be verified with a 4-digit code for your mobile number. However, it is possible to have a 6-digit verification code sent to your Gmail account if you prefer.

When you start receiving the confirmation message containing the one-time password from your secondary email address or mobile phone number, enter this information in the field provided. When you are done, you will be prompted to enter a new password for your account and repeat for confirmation. If both passwords match, you have successfully recovered your lost password. Thus, you can now access your Gmail account.

Secure Your Account

After the successful recovery of account details, you will be prompted by Google to check your secure settings of your Gmail account. At this point, you need to add a backup email address as well as a mobile phone number. In this case, you have not yet associated these details with your current account. By doing so, you can easily recover lost passwords through a 4-6 digit code sent via SMS or email. With this security feature provided by Gmail, you can rest assured that your account is always safe.

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