What is Telegram Live Location Sharing and How to Do It? Did you know that you can share your live location on Telegram just like WhatsApp? Here are the details of live location sharing on Telegram!
Telegram, one of the popular social media tools, offers many functional features to its users. One of these is live location sharing.
Just like WhatsApp, you have the opportunity to share your location live in your chat window with the people you talk to in Telegram. In this article, how to share live location on Telegram? What is this feature used for? We cover the topics. Here are the details!
What is Telegram Live Location Sharing?
In Telegram, you need to share your live location in order to let people you’re chatting with know your location and have this information updated instantly based on your movements.
In normal location sharing, the point where you are in a static way is marked, while in the live location feature, the marker showing your location on the map moves with you.
You can share your live location with your friends so they can keep track of where you are on the road as you move from one place to another.
When you think that you will face any danger, you can share your live location with your relatives and let them follow where you are through the application.
You can also use this feature when you want others to see the route you are going to follow. People who follow your active location can view your route on the map with this feature and can easily follow the same route if needed.
But how to use this feature? So, what are the steps you need to follow to share live location on Telegram? Let’s take a look together.
How to Share Telegram Live Location?
- First, open the Telegram app on your mobile device.
- Log in with the username and password of your previously created account.
- If you have an existing chat with the person you want to share your live location with, enter this chat window.
- If you have not started a chat with this person before, create a new chat.
- Press the + button in this window.
- After clicking on Location, select ‘live location’.
- Select how long you want the live location to be shared with the other party.
- When you follow these steps, instant updates of your location will be shared with the other party for the period you set.
Have you used this feature before? Which app do you prefer for live location sharing, WhatsApp or Telegram? Which one do you think provides a more realistic tracking? Share your experiences and thoughts with us!