How to Disable Cell Broadcast Message on Android?

How to disable cell broadcast messages on Android are messages that your mobile phone service provider sends to you based on your current geographical location, as determined by that service provider’s cell towers.The mobile service provider sends messages related to weather, location, local news, emergency alerts, advertisements, offers, etc. In the beginning cell broadcast service was mostly useful, but nowadays service providers use it to promote various things to their customers. You can receive such messages on your Android smartphone. Initially cell broadcast service was mostly useful but these days service providers use it to promote various things to customers. If you have started receiving such messages on your Android smartphone, you can disable cell broadcast messages and get rid of these inconveniences.

How to Disable Cell Broadcast Message on Android?

Android'de hücre yayını iletileri nasıl devre dışı bırakılır

Here’s how you can disable cell broadcast messages on Android:

  1. On the home screen of your Android device, tap the messaging icon displayed at the bottom edge of the screen.
  2. Tap the menu button (three vertical dots) on the message screen to open the message menu. From this menu you need to select  Settings to open settings related to the messaging app.
  3. On the settings screen, it will display different categories of settings that you can configure, for example notifications, text messages, multimedia messages and so on. You need to select  General settings from the displayed list .
  4. On the General settings screen, scroll to the bottom of the screen and under the category Cell broadcasting select SIM card cell broadcasting settings .
  5. On the next screen, if your smartphone supports two or more SIM cards, you may need to select a SIM card. If your phone supports only one SIM card, you will be redirected to that SIM card’s  Cell broadcast  setting page.To turn off cell broadcast messages from that SIM card, you can tap  Disable cell broadcast disable cell broadcast . The text becomes  enable cell broadcast indicating that cell broadcast messages are turned off.


Mobile broadcast messages can be really annoying and are sent several times a minute. Some of these messages are useful, but generally all or some of them are advertisements. Fortunately, Android has made it very easy to turn off mobile broadcast messages on your smartphone.

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