How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Manually Android

How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Manually Android

How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Manually? WhatsApp is the very popular social networking app for all kinds of smartphones, including Android, iPhone and Windows-based phones. For years you could chat with anyone who had WhatsApp installed and share your media files with them. But recently, they added an option to make free internet calls to WhatsApp contacts. This has made WhatsApp an app that some people cannot live without.

How to Backup WhatsApp Chat Manually Android

If you use WhatsApp every day, how would you feel if you accidentally lose or delete your conversations history on WhatsApp? Although WhatsApp creates an automatic backup of conversations every evening at 4pm (00:00 GMT), you can also easily make manual backups.

Creating manual backups of WhatsApp conversations can be useful when you are considering switching from one phone to another (for example from iPhone to Android) and want to restore your older chats. You can also create a manual backup when you restore your Android smartphone to factory settings.

You can follow the steps below to create manual backups of WhatsApp conversations on your Android phone:

How to manually backup WhatsApp chat on Android

  1. Open the WhatsApp app on Android. Tap the three-dot menu button on Android (in the bottom left corner of the screen) and select  Settings to open WhatsApp settings .
  2. In WhatsApp settings, tap Chat.
  3. On the Chats screen, you can see the date of the last chat backup made under Chat settings tap Backup Chats to create another instant backup from WhatsApp.
  4. All backups are stored on your SD card WhatsApp / Databases / msgstore.db.crypt8  in the file  stored. You can restore this file later to restore chats in WhatsApp.


Although WhatsApp creates manual backups of your conversations, you can make a manual backup of the threads yourself if you want to change phones or reset the device to factory settings. This way, you can easily restore your backed up messages.

You can check out WhatsApp FAQ for instructions on how to restore a backup, but if you do so, remember to do it best over a Wi-Fi connection to avoid additional data charges.

Finally, the fact that WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted is extremely important given that Google drive backups are not.

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